[Live-devel] testRTSPClient doesn't receive sdp after issuing describe request

Joshua Kordani jkordani at lsa2.com
Fri Aug 2 20:41:22 PDT 2013

Greetings all

I am trying to figure out what I need to do to use liveMedia to source 
an h264 stream.

I am using a BasicTaskScheduler, passed to a BasicUsageEnvironment, 
passed to an RTSPServer and a ServerMediaSession, in which I add a 
subsession of type
MPEG4VideoFileServerMediaSubsession, which is configured to read data 
from a pipe.

On the data input end, I have nals encoded from x264 that I am simply 
dumping into this pipe.

When I use testRTSPClient on this server, I never get an sdp out of it.  
output below.

  ./testRTSPClient rtsp://
Opening connection to, port 5554...
...remote connection opened
Sending request: DESCRIBE rtsp:// RTSP/1.0
CSeq: 2
User-Agent: ./testRTSPClient (LIVE555 Streaming Media v2013.06.30)
Accept: application/sdp

[URL:"rtsp://"]: Failed to get a SDP 
description: liveMedia0
[URL:"rtsp://"]: Closing the stream.

I am having a heck of a time sussing out how I'm supposed to stand up 
the various classes and what is expected to be provided by the user (me) 
and what is automatically generated.  I haven't yet figured out where 
I'm supposed to indicate to liveMedia that I'm passing it H264 data, (so 
that it may package it properly).

Appreciate any pointers!

Joshua Kordani
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