[Live-devel] Unhandled exception during TEARDOWN
Erlandsson, Claes P (CERLANDS)
CERLANDS at arinc.com
Fri Jan 11 07:16:26 PST 2013
Included the attachment I was mentioning below... It shows the last minute
or so of the output from the modified testRTSPClient.
Thanks a lot for taking the time to test it.
I'm not really sure how to proceed, but I guess I can try to locate a Linux
client to compile and run the test on. It can of course be the Cisco server
that does something that somehow triggers the issue to occur in the client.
Cisco VSM7 should however be a complete rewrite from VSM6 and since the
behavior in this case is exactly the same it would surprise me a bit, but
any "oddities" can of course be carried over to a new version, rewrite or
not. I've however never seen anything strange in the logs indicating this.
As already mentioned, the issue always happens after calling
sendTeardownCommand() (with a response handler). When looking at the
callstack after the unhandled exception I often see slightly different
locations, where the last reference point is to some system DLL, e.g. ntdll
or msvcr90d.dll. The last RTSP client function call in the callstack is
often BasicTaskScheduler::SingleStep(). Would it be of any help to keep
track of and pass on the callstacks (or any other info)?
As expected, the debug output (from the previously attached test program)
always ends with the line "Opening connection to, port 554..."
after a TEARDOWN request has been sent. I've attached an output example; not
sure if it might be of any help. It can be seen that the TEARDOWN response
often comes after the new stream has been started, but I assume that is ok.
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