[Live-devel] Server socket not closed after TCP request from client
Bruno Abreu
bruno.abreu at livingdata.pt
Mon Nov 25 12:54:50 PST 2013
Hello Ross,
while trying to replicate a problem that occasionally arises with a small set
of streaming servers, we detected something that might be an issue with
Those servers are behind a firewall which blocks UDP packets (not under our
control). So the clients request data via TCP, not UDP. On occasion the
servers block or crash.
We still have to delve deeper into this and so, trying to replicate this
situation in our own environment, we ran testOnDemandRTSPServer and used
openRTSP as the client with the following parameters:
$ ./openRTSP -d 10 -t rtsp://<server>:8554/h264ESVideoTest
What we've noticed is that after the TEARDOWN from each client we can see a
socket left in CLOSE_WAIT state.
Since we're using a script (attached) that calls openRTSP repeatedly, the
number of CLOSE_WAIT sockets increases as the clients continue to make
The trick here seems to be the conjunction of the -d and -t flags.
$ lsof -i
testOnDem 32741 smartcodec 3u IPv4 8466411 0t0 TCP *:8554 (LISTEN)
testOnDem 32741 smartcodec 4u IPv4 8466414 0t0 TCP *:8000 (LISTEN)
testOnDem 32741 smartcodec 5u IPv4 8466417 0t0 TCP
smartcodec-ddt2:8554->smartcodec-ddt2:47728 (CLOSE_WAIT)
testOnDem 32741 smartcodec 6r IPv4 8466664 0t0 TCP
smartcodec-ddt2:8554->smartcodec-ddt2:47731 (CLOSE_WAIT)
testOnDem 32741 smartcodec 7u IPv4 8466674 0t0 TCP
smartcodec-ddt2:8554->smartcodec-ddt2:47732 (CLOSE_WAIT)
testOnDem 32741 smartcodec 8u IPv4 8466700 0t0 TCP
smartcodec-ddt2:8554->smartcodec-ddt2:47735 (CLOSE_WAIT)
testOnDem 32741 smartcodec 9u IPv4 8466425 0t0 TCP
smartcodec-ddt2:8554->smartcodec-ddt2:47729 (CLOSE_WAIT)
testOnDem 32741 smartcodec 10r IPv4 8466708 0t0 TCP
smartcodec-ddt2:8554->smartcodec-ddt2:47736 (CLOSE_WAIT)
testOnDem 32741 smartcodec 11u IPv4 8466744 0t0 TCP
smartcodec-ddt2:8554->smartcodec-ddt2:47739 (CLOSE_WAIT)
testOnDem 32741 smartcodec 12u IPv4 8466681 0t0 TCP
smartcodec-ddt2:8554->smartcodec-ddt2:47733 (CLOSE_WAIT)
testOnDem 32741 smartcodec 80u IPv4 8467707 0t0 TCP
smartcodec-ddt2:8554->smartcodec-ddt2:47808 (ESTABLISHED)
testOnDem 32741 smartcodec 83u IPv4 8467712 0t0 UDP *:6972
testOnDem 32741 smartcodec 84u IPv4 8467713 0t0 UDP *:6973
testOnDem 32741 smartcodec 85u IPv4 8467715 0t0 TCP
smartcodec-ddt2:8554->smartcodec-ddt2:47809 (ESTABLISHED)
testOnDem 32741 smartcodec 87u IPv4 8467721 0t0 UDP *:6974
testOnDem 32741 smartcodec 88u IPv4 8467722 0t0 UDP *:6975
Eventually, the limit of open sockets is reached and, when that happens, the
server usually blocks using a lot of CPU. Streaming stops and no more client
connections are accepted. Although, once, I've seen the server crash. Sorry I
didn't collect a core dump so I could print a back-trace.
I've also attached the logs from the server (class RTSPServer compiled with
DEBUG flag) after a run with the limit of open file descriptors set to 32.
Also, please notice the following change made to ByteStreamFileSource.cpp so
that our server could run continuously with a small file:
@@ -91,8 +91,9 @@
void ByteStreamFileSource::doGetNextFrame() {
if (feof(fFid) || ferror(fFid) || (fLimitNumBytesToStream &&
fNumBytesToStream == 0)) {
- handleClosure(this);
- return;
+ // handleClosure(this);
+ // return;
+ rewind(fFid);
This doesn't seem to be the cause of our own server blocks/crashes, but we
thought we should report.
Thank you,
Bruno Abreu
Living Data - Sistemas de Informação e Apoio à Decisão, Lda.
LxFactory - Rua Rodrigues de Faria, Mobile: +351 963428802
103, edifício I - 4º piso Phone: +351 213622163
1300-501 LISBOA Fax: +351 213622165
Portugal URL: www.livingdata.pt
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