[Live-devel] Making ProxyServerMediaSubsession stream to multicast addresses

Jan Ekholm jan.ekholm at d-pointer.com
Sun Apr 6 08:37:34 PDT 2014


I'm a fairly new user of Live555, having worked on a small application for about a week or so.
So far I've more or less successfully managed to stream out video from connected local
USB cameras using OpenCV. It was definitely not a trivial task.

Now I'd like to proxy some remote surveillance cameras. As first I started working on some
own proxying code, but that didn't work too well and then I found ProxyServerMediaSubsession
which seems to do exactly what I want to do for now. However, I'd like that the streams my
application serves are multicasted, and ProxyServerMediaSubsession has an explicit
mention that it uses unicast only. From what I understand to get it to use multicast then
the Groupsock that gets passed to:

RTPSink* ProxyServerMediaSubsession::createNewRTPSink(Groupsock* rtpGroupsock, 
unsigned char rtpPayloadTypeIfDynamic, FramedSource* inputSource);

should be setup to use multicast, right? Is there any nice way I can do that? 

Also I probably want to also be able to decode the incoming stream in order to grab
still images from it and do some manipulation on it before re-encoding it again. Is there
some good way to "duplicate" the incoming stream into my custom code for doing the
image manipulation while at the same time keeping the normal proxied stream working?

I'm sorry if these questions are dumb, but I didn't find anything in the docs or examples.

Best regards,
    Jan Ekholm

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