[Live-devel] Tracking down latency

Jan Ekholm jan.ekholm at d-pointer.com
Wed Apr 9 07:37:38 PDT 2014


I've with some effort managed to get a solution that uses Live555 to handle
the streaming of video from a USB webcam for a simple application. It all works
quite well but I see a lot of latency and need to start tracking it down. My pipeline
currently is: camera -> OpenCV -> x264 -> Live555 -> network (localhost) -> VLC.
For this I see a latency of about 1.5s, which is quite a lot. So far I've managed to
time the grabbing and encoding part and it seems to be ~50ms per frame. The
network part should be really minimal as it's all running on one machine right
now. VLC here is an unknown beast, as it's really hard to know what it's doing
and how much it actually buffers and adds to the latency that way.

What I'm now interested in is if there is some way to debug latency within
Live555 to make sure the latency is not introduced there. What I've done so far
is trying to compare the presentation times of the encoded frames with what
a slightly modified testRTSPClient shows. My grabbing and encoding is done
in a FramedSource subclass in doGetNextFrame(). There the NAL:s for the
captured frame are all given the same presentation time based on:

	gettimeofday( &m_currentTime, NULL ); 

I print this time along with some other data:

H264FramedSource::doGetNextFrame: frame done in 30 ms, queue size: 9, time: 1397053387.439
H264FramedSource::doGetNextFrame: frame done in 0 ms, queue size: 8, time: 1397053387.439
H264FramedSource::doGetNextFrame: frame done in 0 ms, queue size: 7, time: 1397053387.439

The first one did the grabbing and encoding, creating 9 NAL units into a queue, the following doGetNextFrame()
simply feed the already created NAL:s and are thus much faster. The time is the presentation time
as retrieved above. 

Then I use a slightly modified testRTSPClient to receive the stream, and the first frames that arrive looks like:

Stream "rtsp://"; video/H264:	Received 5 bytes.	Presentation time: 1397053387.439622  now: 1397053387.439772
Stream "rtsp://"; video/H264:	Received 604 bytes.	Presentation time: 1397053387.439622  now: 1397053387.439794
Stream "rtsp://"; video/H264:	Received 8224 bytes.	Presentation time: 1397053387.439622  now: 1397053387.439924

The presentation time is the same as I set, the "now" is simply an added gettimeofday() call for
when the DummySink::afterGettingFrame() got called. Seems testRTSPClient gets the frames
pretty fast (less than 1ms) after they've been passed to Live555 in the server end. I was not
expecting it to be that fast, and that makes me doubt my logic. Is it this simple, do the frame arrive
this fast at the client? If so then the latency from the camera to a testRTSPClient is not too
big, far from the 1.5s I see with VLC (Mplayer on OSX just breaks apart but it seems that the 
broken image is just as late there). The testRTSPClient of course does not include any decoding
and similar that needs to be done, but that can't be too many milliseconds per frame.

Am I thus right in assuming almost all of my latency comes from the VLC side? My next test
would be to extend testRTSPClient to provide a real decoding sink in place of the DummySink,
but I'd like to avoid doing that if possible.

Any ideas? I'm more than happy to be lectured on my bad ways of measuring time and latency. :)

Best regards,
   Jan Ekholm

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