[Live-devel] implementation of digest authentication in RTSPClient.cpp / DigestAuthentication.cpp

Martin Bene Martin.Bene at icomedias.com
Sat Apr 26 00:47:15 PDT 2014

I’m running into issues trying to receive streams from IP Cameras requiring digest authentication. It looks like the current implementation of digest authentication is based on RFC 2069 which was obsoleted 2617 in June 1999.

Here’s an example authentication header returned by one of my cameras:

WWW-Authenticate: Digest realm="NC-336PW-HD-1080P", qop="auth", nonce="21a6feb2994257caa17adcf5aa80dd5f", opaque="5ccc069c403ebaf9f0171e9517f40e41", algorithm="MD5", stale="FALSE"

This header fails to match the statement used to extract digest authentication parameters from the WWW-Authenticate header:

if (sscanf(paramsStr, "Digest realm=\"%[^\"]\", nonce=\"%[^\"]\"", realm, nonce) == 2)

changing the parsing so that realm and nonce get extracted leads to successfull auth with my camera.

Would a patch to the extraction mechanism be acceptable?

As a 2nd step it would probabl be a good idea to add support for opaque, client nonce, nonce-count and qop as well.

Thanks for any feedback

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