[Live-devel] On-demand RTSP-server example for FramedSource

Brilliantov Kirill Vladimirovich brilliantov at byterg.ru
Tue Feb 11 05:56:14 PST 2014

I use live555 2014.01.29.
Now I have to add on-demand mode to RTSP-server, for this I add
OnDemandServerMediaSubsession subclass and inplement
createNewStreamSource, return H264VideoStreamDiscreteFramer, and
createNewRTPSink, return H264VideoRTPSink, functions.
When I try connect to RTSP-server I see PLAY command and after this
programm exit with "Segmentation fault".
This is very strange because this code work fine with multicast stream.
Where can I found example for on-demand RTSP-server mode, unfortunally
live555 test programm write for stream file?
Thank you and excuse me for my bad english.

Best regards,
Brilliantov Kirill Vladimirovich

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