[Live-devel] RTP H.264 stream freezing on first frame using wis-streamer and VLC player

Eli eli.b at BDRGroup.com
Mon Feb 17 05:37:16 PST 2014

Thanks everyone for your replies.

My camera's H264 stream looks like the following:
[7] [8] [6] [5] [1] [1] [1] [1]....
Obviously I remove the NAL unit headers (00 00 00 01) before passing them on to H264VideoStreamDiscreteFramer (as required) 
I've tried removing the SEI NAL unit [6] from the stream, this causes the stream to work for about 10 seconds and VLC stopping playback afterwards
Here's the log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/6c5gv6txkmq1120/no%20sei.log

I've tried following Ross Finlayson's advice and using openRTSP to record the stream into a file and play it back. VLC player couldn't recognize the file type even after renaming it to .264
I've looked at it with a hex editor and the NAL unit headers seem intact.

I've tried doing the same with a different camera I have. This camera's RTSP stream works perfectly with both the target software, and VLC player
I've tried to record its stream using openRTSP and play it back with VLC player without success as well.

Is there anything else I could try regarding this issue?

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