[Live-devel] Overuse of CPU in binaries of CYGWIN

Martínez Contador, Daniel [ELIMCO] (CA) ELIMCO.dmartinez at navantia.es
Wed Feb 19 04:12:20 PST 2014

testMPEG4VideoStreamer.exe starts overusing the CPU when a player tears
the session.
The overuse happens with binaries from CYGWIN, but not with MINGW.

In my setup, testMPEG4VideoStreamer, just launched, uses <1% from CPU.
When a client connects (I'm using VLC) the CPU consumption remains
When the client disconnects (tear) the CPU consumption rises to 10-12%.
Connecting again doesn't make the CPU return to normal consumption.
It happens too with testOnDemandRTSPServer. I haven't tried other

These are the versions I'm using:
Live555: live.2014.02.17 (although I found this error in 2014.01.07)
Cygwin: from package 1.7.28-2 (32bits)
gcc: from package 4.8.2-2

My video test file: http://live555-for-win32.googlecode.com/svn-history/r4/trunk/Projects/VC2003/testMPEG4VideoStreamer/Debug/test.m4e

If someone could check this and provide a workaround if not a
I cannot switch from cygwin at this stage and that 10% is significant
at the moment.
I need to run several instances in different virtual interfaces (about
40) in the same computer.
They won't be encoding or sending at the same time (usually 1-4, rarely
above 8), but there may be clients rotating over all the 40 and a CPU
usage around 400% is hardly acceptable :)


Daniel Martínez Contador

 Logotipo Elimco
ELIMCO- Soluciones Integrales S.A.
Navantia - Sistemas de Control

Ctra. Algameca, s/n

30205 Cartagena (Murcia)

Tlfo: 968 323 387

Email: elimco.dmartinez at navantia.es


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