[Live-devel] RTSPServer with PassiveServerMediaSubsession from live camera

Ross Finlayson finlayson at live555.com
Thu Dec 31 01:09:47 PST 2015

> I am sure that h264/RTP stream is being sent to address port 5283. 

But are you also sure about the payload format code: 96?  That is also very important.

> If client must be on same device then this is not right solution for me. I have camera on embedded device that is streaming to that address. I am trying to develop RTSPServer on embedded device so client can connect to it and receive stream.

I’m not sure I understand what you’re saying here.  You have (at least) two computers: (i) computer ‘source’, that the stream is being sent *from*, and (ii) computer, that the stream is being sent *to*.  Obviously your media player RTSP client (e.g., VLC) would run on (ii): computer  That’s what we’ve all been assuming (or so I thought).

Did you *read* my previous email response?  In it, I gave you a specific reason (the odd-numbered destination RTP port number) why I thought your server was not working.  And then I proposed a specific fix to your server code that would fix this problem.  I then suggested that you test your server using the “testRTSPClient” demo application - running, obviously, on computer

Please try this first, before attempting anything else.

Ross Finlayson
Live Networks, Inc.

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