[Live-devel] RTSP Register with the sample codes

Timothy Wu g39328006 at ym.edu.tw
Sun May 24 09:19:04 PDT 2015


I would like to see for myself that RTSP REGISTER make through NAT 
firewall. So I'm using the sample programs provided

So I have a Live555 proxy server available on a public IP address.

I ran it like this:
sudo ./live555ProxyServer -V -T 80 -p 554 -R

At home on my Mac behind NAT,
I ran the RTSP server:

Next I ran this on another terminal on my Mac (where xx are the actual 
public IP address where the proxy server resides)
./registerRTSPStream -t 52.xx.xx.xxx 554 

But it doesn't work. Is what I am doing correct? If I ran all three 
programs on the same machine it appears to work (The server complains 
about frame size too large for buffer size). But right now it doesn't 
work across two machines.

In registerRTSPStream.cpp I also tried to turn on "reuseConnection" by 
setting it to true like so:

RTSPRegisterSender::createNew(*env, remoteClientNameOrAddress, 
remoteClientPortNum, rtspURLToRegister,
   registerResponseHandler, ourAuthenticator,
   requestStreamingViaTCP, proxyURLSuffix, True/*reuseConnection*/,
   1/*verbosityLevel*/, programName);

But it doesn't appear to make a difference. Help appreciated, thank you.

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