[Live-devel] Live video and audio streaming using one RTSPServer

Ross Finlayson finlayson at live555.com
Thu Nov 5 01:47:53 PST 2015

> However, my video is raw h264, and I don't guarantee that on each recv() call I get exactly one complete frame (I might get more than one frame, or a partial one),  so 1) how can I calculate the prefferedFrameSize if it's h264 video, as it depends on the movement level in the frame, and 2) The fact that I might get more than one frame in one read means that the duration calculation (fPlayTime) is inaccurate in the first place, is it? is fPlayTime important for sync, or only the fPresentationTime?

Sorry, I don’t understand this question, because “fPlayTime” is not a variable that occurs anywhere in our code.

Ross Finlayson
Live Networks, Inc.

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