[Live-devel] RTSP over SSL

Robin Swoboda robin.swoboda at mobotix.com
Fri Nov 25 00:19:07 PST 2016

Hi Ross,

I read your comment on the live555 mailing list from 04.2014 concerning 
RTSP over SSL.
I am implementing a client that connects to an IP camera via that 
protocol stack.
According to your comment, live555 does not support that feature but we 
can use the parameter "socketNumToServer" of the RTSPClient::createNew 
method when we established a SSL connection before.
But what does that parameter mean exactly? Is it the port number of the 
client or the port number of the server?
Unfortunatelly I could not establish an encrypted RTSP/RTP stream yet.

I guess you still don't plan any support for RTSP over SSL?

Or does anybody else found a different solution to implement RTSP over 
SSL by e.g. combining live555 with another library?

Thanks and kind regards

Robin Swoboda

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