[Live-devel] Truncated Bytes

Jeff Shanab jshanab at jfs-tech.com
Fri Sep 30 19:14:16 PDT 2016

  I am dealing with a mixture of security cameras that can be from 640x480
to 4000x3000.(4K) and beyond.

  These 4K cameras(H264) can throw some large NAL units on the KeyFrame
when the quality is high and the lighting is just right. I hate to make the
buffer in the client large for all cameras just because someone may get one
of these so I am making the buffers adjust to the camera.

  By the time I get called back with truncated bytes, it is too late for
that KeyFrame and therefore the entire GOP. The GOP is often 3 seconds in
length, so it is significant.

  I was trying to find a way to react to the truncated bytes by increasing
the buffer size and re-reading the data, but in MultiFramedRTPSource.cpp
the BufferedPacket::Use and releaseUsedPacket functions have already
truncated things.

If the fTo argument was unsigned char** I could just realloc in
BufferPacket::use :-)

Is there a clean way of solving this?
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