[Live-devel] What is this technology and will it let me Facebook like stream?

Don Gould don at bowenvale.co.nz
Sun Apr 9 18:52:17 PDT 2017

Hello List,

Please point me to relevant pages in wiki if these questions are 
answered.  I've reviewed a bit of the site, but it's extensive.

I'm interested in technology that will allow us host your own rtsp to 
web solution.  Is this such a technology?

I've been looking at different rtsp cameras and have a range of 
applications of interest in the IoT space (I'm sure like everyone!)

I have built my own small hosting center and work with guys who have 
servers in DC's around the world.  I'm interested in finding more 
technology that we can 'value add' to our server offerings.  Clearly 
just selling a 'VPS' isn't worth much any more.

I'm also interested in the ability to move video from a mobile device to 
other people.  Facebook do this of course, and they do it really well, 
but I've grown up learning the lessons of what happens when you put all 
your eggs in the one computing basket... IBM, Novell, MIcrosoft, do I 
need to go on?

I'm interested in the ability, for example, to make a small local news 
site, and associated technologies so you can have your own platform.  
Google, again for example, provide all sorts of very cool technology to 
empower transmission via YouTube, but do you really want to give a giant 
the cameras on your home that you just want streamed to your phone?



Don Gould
31 Acheson Ave
Christchurch, New Zealand
Ph: + 64 3 348 7235
Mobile: + 64 21 114 0699
Ph: +61 3 9111 1821 (Melb)
skype:  don.gould.nz

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