[Live-devel] Low Frame-rate Panoramas

Weber, Patrick Patrick.Weber at iecinfrared.com
Thu Apr 13 12:22:34 PDT 2017

Just a quick follow-up to let you know that live555 works quite well distributing low frame-rate high resolution video. My application gets bitmap images from a panoramic camera at a frequency of between 1 and 4 frames per second. I convert these to RBG24 "frames", pass them into the FFMPEG encoding API using either the MPEG4 or H.264 codec, then use live555 to distribute them to my client applications. For anyone else thinking about this, note that encoding is going to create some latency that might not be noticed in 30fps applications, but when dealing with 1Hz frame rates a lag of two or three frames is very apparent! Other than that, I'm quite pleased with how well this works. Thanks again, Ross!
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