[Live-devel] Testing with WebRTC, getting the following error on the site.

Craig Matsuura cmatsuura at vivint.com
Thu Apr 13 13:47:35 PDT 2017

Error: Inaccessible or unsupported back-end RTSP stream.

I believe I have implemented the registerStream.  I followed the example on the site.

We have a custom proxy (based on the proxy example).  It works well for us, I added the code to registerStream and also changed to using the RTSPServerWithREGISTERProxying::createNew to create the RTSPServer for the RTSPServer on the proxy.

This is my callback I use in the registerStream

void responseToREGISTER(RTSPServer* rtspServer, unsigned requestId, int resultCode, char* resultString)


    syslog(LOG_INFO, "*** REGISTER Response, reqId=%d, resultcode=%d, resultStr=%s", requestId, resultCode, resultString);


I assume the registerStream user password should be NULL, even though our streams require a user password.


                "webrtc.live555.com", 11685,






Is there away to get more info from the server to understand why it fails?


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