Live555 DLL rather than static libs

GRINDSTAFF Gene A gene.grindstaff at
Tue Oct 16 13:18:05 PDT 2018

To All:

I am trying to build a RTSP source filter for Microsoft Direct Show and Windows Media.  In short these components are basically just DLLs.  I can use cmake-gui to build the Live555 libraries and construct a decorated module definition file (.DEF) file which allows all of the various classes and entry points to be exported so a source DLL can be built.  The decorated exports are ugly, but at least it works.  However, when I use the mediasink.hh file to build the video filter DLL, it does not find the class OutPacketBuffer public definition of static unsigned maxSize;  If the public static variable was defined as static unsigned DLL_IM_EX_PORT maxSize; where the symbol DLL_IM_EX_PORT is defined to be __declspec(dllimport), then it will build the video source filter.

However, the license precludes me from modifying the source, and a subclass will not solve this problem.  If a setter and getter had been written to get to the private maxSize variable then this would not be an issue.  Is there any chance that a future version of Live555 libs/source would make this change?


Gene A. Grindstaff
Executive Subject Matter Expert, SG&I
T: 1.256.730.6983 M: 1.256.566.5376 F: 1.256.730.1717
E: mailto:gene.grindstaff at

Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure
305 Intergraph Way
Madison, AL, 35758 | LinkedIn | Facebook | Twitter

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