[Live-devel] RTP Extension Headers

Jeff Shanab jshanab at jfs-tech.com
Mon Mar 30 08:01:26 PDT 2020

In MultiFramedRTPSink we have :

Boolean MultiFramedRTPSink::isTooBigForAPacket(unsigned numBytes) const {
  // Check whether a 'numBytes'-byte frame - together with a RTP header and
  // (possible) special headers - would be too big for an output packet:
  // (Later allow for RTP extension header!) #####
  numBytes += rtpHeaderSize + specialHeaderSize() +
  return fOutBuf->isTooBigForAPacket(numBytes);

I need to add an RTP Extension header to my on demand rtsp server and am
trying to figure out how to implement it.

In the above comment, is frameSpecificHeaderSize() a placeholder for the "
Later allow for RTP extension header!"  or would there be a new function,

i.e numBytes += rtpHeaderSize + specialHeaderSize() +
frameSpecificHeaderSize() + rtpExtensionHeaderSize();

I see where subclasses like JPEG use the specialHeader but maybe I am not
understanding the distinction between packet and frame and thus exactly
what is a frame specificHeader vs a specialHeader.
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