[Live-devel] Relocating an HLS stream

Ross Finlayson finlayson at live555.com
Mon Aug 14 15:46:13 PDT 2023

> On Aug 15, 2023, at 8:27 AM, dan_desjardins <dan.desjardins at videstra.com> wrote:
> I need to use the live555HLSProxy to create an HLS from an RTSP stream.  Works great! 
> My app needs to then relocate the stream to a new location that can then be accessed from a public address (latency is not a concern in my use-case).

It seems to me that you basically have two options:

1/ Run “live555HLSProxy” on the public web server (in the directory where the web server stores its files).  This is the easiest approach, and it was how the “LIVE555 HLS Proxy” was intended to be run.  This means that you will need a way to access your RTSP stream from the web server.  If - for whatever reason - your RTSP stream is behind a firewall, and is not directly accessible from the web server, then you can, instead, update your stream’s RTSP server so that it ‘advertises’ the stream to the “LIVE555 HLS Proxy”, using the (unofficial) RTSP “REGISTER” command, and running “live555HLSProxy” with the “-R” option.  See the section "Proxying an 'advertised' RTSP streams” here:

2/ Run “live555HLSProxy” on some other site, but implement a distributed file system - between this other site and the web server - that automatically mirrors the HLS directory (i.e., including the “.m3u8” file and all of the segments) on the public web server.  I don’t recommend trying to do this ‘by hand’ by implementing your own replication mechanism; instead, just use an existing distributed file system - e.g. NFS ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Network_File_System ).

>  It will use ftp, or scp or possibly even http upload (I have not received specs from the vendor yet – but it will be one of those).
> I plan to copy the .ts segment files as they complete

As I noted above, I don’t recommend this.  Instead, use an existing distributed file system (like NFS) that does this automatically.  (Or else just choose option 1/ and run “live555HLSProxy” on the web server, as it was meant to be done.)

Ross Finlayson
Live Networks, Inc.

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