[Live-devel] [EXTERNAL] Re: Possible concurrency issue with triggerEvent()

Ross Finlayson finlayson at live555.com
Fri Jun 16 00:18:28 PDT 2023

I have now installed a new version (2016.06.16) of the “LIVE555 Streaming Media” code that changes (in the “BasicTaskScheduler” class) the implementation of “triggerEvent()”.

The solution was a little different to that which I outlined in my previous message on this thread.  The definition of “EventTriggerId” remains unchanged; however, the “fTriggersAwaitingHandling” variable is now implemented using an array of “std:atomic_flag”s.

This should work better for you now (avoiding any ‘race conditions’).  But if you still encounter problems, let us know.

(Note that this is the first time the LIVE555 code has required the C++ standard library.  If you cannot use the C++ standard library, then you can compile the code - but getting the old behavior - by defining "NO_STD_LIB".)

Ross Finlayson
Live Networks, Inc.

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