[Live-devel] LIVE555 client behavior when server changes client_port

Ross Finlayson finlayson at live555.com
Wed Jul 17 21:31:53 PDT 2024

> On Jul 16, 2024, at 7:08 PM, Derrick N. Guerrero <dguerrero at p-sent.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> Could anyone answer whether the RTSP specification has requirements about the client_port value in a SETUP response

The RTSP specification (like all IETF protocol specifications) is online, for free; in this case, at:
As you can see, it says nothing about whether the “client_port” value in a SETUP response should match the (range of) values that were sent in the SETUP request.  However, common sense suggests that the server should choose a value that was in the range specified by the client.

> , and what the LIVE555 software behavior would be if the server responds with a different value than sent in a SETUP request?

Again, the LIVE555 software is public open source.  You can see from the code that a RTSP client will use whatever “client_port” value is specified by the server in a RTSP SETUP response.

So, your problem is that your server is buggy, and needs to be fixed,

(FWIW, our RTSP server implementation will use a “client_port”  value that was in the client’s request.  Why don’t you use our RTSP server implementation instead?)

Ross Finlayson
Live Networks, Inc.

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