[Live-devel] LIVE555 client behavior when server changes client_port

Ross Finlayson finlayson at live555.com
Thu Jul 18 19:01:53 PDT 2024

> On Jul 18, 2024, at 4:19 PM, Derrick N. Guerrero <dguerrero at p-sent.com> wrote:
> > You can see from the code that a RTSP client will use whatever “client_port” value is specified by the server in a RTSP SETUP response.

I was wrong about this.  Our RTSP client does, indeed parse the “client_port” in the SETIUP response, but it doesn’t use this to change the actual client port number (if it is different).  It leaves the client port number ’as is’.

This is not something that I will be changing in our code (nor will I spend any time telling you how to do this), because it’s really your server’s behavior that’s wrong (perhaps not technically wrong, but I’ve never heard before of a server specifying a different “client_port” from the number that was in the SETUP request; it also makes no sense, because there’s no guarantee that the client would even be able to use that different port number.

So, you need to fix your server.

Ross Finlayson
Live Networks, Inc.

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