[Live-devel] Difference between live555ProxyServer and openRTSP

Ross Finlayson finlayson at live555.com
Wed Jun 5 13:19:09 PDT 2024

OK, so the proxy server seems to be working OK.  But are you not receiving any data when you try to receive from
running “openRTSP”, running on the same computer as the proxy server?

I.e., what happens when you run
	1/	openRTSP … rtsp://???:???@
	(i.e., using the same back-end URL that you used with the proxy server)
	Do you receive any data?

	2/ On the exact same computer (as the same user), run
		./live555ProxyServer rtsp://???:???@
	And then, on the same computer, as the same user, run
		openRTSP rtsp://
	Do you receive any data?

(In each case, *do not* use the -t option.)

Ross Finlayson
Live Networks, Inc.

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