[Live-devel] RTP Audio without sip

Guillermo Bernaldo de Quiros Maraver gbernaldo at cestel.es
Thu Jun 13 04:44:35 PDT 2024

Hi, good morning!

I have a question regarding using liveMedia without sip. I mean, I have one
application which handles SIP sessions and that application sends me
notifications about RTP Flows (just notifications about starting/stopping a
new RTP Flows, ...) but that application does not handle RTP Audio. I have
to delegate that task to another task (that's why I thought liveMedia could
help me with this problem) The audio comes in RTP format from another place
(with their source address, and source port payload type, ssrc, etc...)
On the other hand I have to send audio in RTP format when the application
sends me a notification. The source of the audio comes from my microphone
when I get a notification.

My question is if there is any possibility to use liveMedia (without SIP)
for this kind of scenario. If that's the case, is there any sample code I
can use as a guide?

I'm completely new using liveMedia and I don't know where to start.

Thank you so much in advance!
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