[Live-devel] live555ProxyServer (last version) and buffer size

Ross Finlayson finlayson at live555.com
Mon May 13 07:03:29 PDT 2024

You didn’t say which of our software you were running (a RTSP server, a RTSP client, a proxy server (RTSP or HLS), or some combination thereof).

But the error messages mean what they say: You have a ridiculously large frame of data (most likely a video 'key frame') somewhere that is too large for an input buffer.

This has nothing to do with upgrading to the latest version of the code.  You must have previously modified the code (increased the value of "OutPacketBuffer::maxSize” somewhere) in order to work around this problem.

But your real solution is to fix your video encoder so that it generates video that is more appropriate for streaming: By breaking up large ‘key frames’ into a sequence of smaller ‘slice’ NAL units.  Otherwise you will be very susceptible to network packet loss.

Ross Finlayson
Live Networks, Inc.

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