[Live-devel] SRTP statistics

Ross Finlayson finlayson at live555.com
Fri Sep 27 08:02:21 PDT 2024

No, I don’t want to make this change, because it would be a fairly large change to the code, with limited benefit.

In particular, “RTPReceptionStats” was intended primarily to be used as a database of statistics to be used when generating RTCP Reception Report (“RR”) packets that get transmitted back to the server.  If there is a specific RTCP Reception Report extension (defined by an IETF RFC) that includes these sort of statistics (e.g., number of SRTP authentication errors) that you wish to have implemented, then let me know, and I will consider supporting this.


>  The decrypted SRTP packets with authentication errors are not dropped. Instead, a counter is incremented which provides information to the user about the integrity of the received stream.  Then, it is up to user to consider or not the authentication issues.

I don’t agree with this at all.  If a SRTP packet fails an authentication check, then it is because either (1) there is a bug in the sender’s code (such as the one that you identified recently), or (2) a third party is injecting bogus packets into the stream, either to try to impersonate the sender, or more likely (because they won’t know the encryption keys) trying to do a 'denial-of-service' attack by sending junk data.  In this case it is correct for the receiver to be dropping these packets; the bogus decrypted data should definitely should not be passed up to user-level code.

Ross Finlayson
Live Networks, Inc.

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