after some more debugging i'm almost sure that it has a socket problem, because of the produced error code (10038 and 10049).<br><br>In addition, i didn't really quite follow the instruction "how to configure and build the code on windows"<br><br>What i did was:<br>-generate the .mak files<br>-build these .mak files on command prompt using nmake /f *****.mak<br><br>in the project properties on visual studio i did:<br>-put all the include folders under "additional include directories"<br>- copy all the made .lib files (libUsageEnvironment.lib libliveMedia.lib libgroupsock.lib libBasicUsageEnvironment.lib) into one folder and put the folder under "additional library directories"<br>- put all the .lib files under "additional dependencies"<br>- put wsock32.lib also under "additional dependencies" (otherwise i'd get a bunch of error LNK 2001)<br><br>i did this, because i didn't find any "open workspace" menu command on visualstudio 2003<br><br>did i
miss something? or did i do something wrong?<br><br>regards,<br> gunar<br><p> 
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