Hi all..<br><br>I need a help.. I tried to use the VLC/module/live555.cpp. for porting the live client module for getting mpeg2-ts buffer. I need to get it and want to play using hardware player.<br>Below I added the code where I am getting the some error while running my client application...
<br><br>next:<br> subsession->readSource()->getNextFrame(fBuffer, fileSinkBufferSize, afterGettingFrame,tk, onSourceClosure, tk);<br> rtsptime = timeOutCheck(ourClient);
<br> fprintf(stderr,"Timeout check--%d\n",rtsptime);<br> sessionTimerTask = env->taskScheduler().scheduleDelayedTask(300000,(TaskFunc*)TaskInterrupt, subsession/*(void *) NULL*/);
<br> //startPlayingStreams();<br> fprintf(stderr,"Fbuffer-- main--%u\n",(unsigned int)fBuffer);<br> env->taskScheduler().doEventLoop(&task);
<br> env->taskScheduler().unscheduleDelayedTask(sessionTimerTask);<br> goto next;<br><br>When I tried to read second time.. I am getting the error like this..
<br>FramedSource[0x1002ad80]::getNextFrame(): attempting to read more than once at the same time!<br>please help me ... where I need to scratch my head for this...<br>If any one have these cleint module for unicast. To get buffer-- mpeg2ts