Hi all,<br><br>I am trying for last one month to port the live555 to my board. please help me if any one is successfull in this.<br>I have a VLC structure buffer. <br>I have to prebuffer before I pass to the hardware player. Please help me how can I read with this
<br>syncronization. <br><br>tk->readSource->getNextFrame(fBuffer, fileSinkBufferSize, afterGettingF,tk, onSourceClosure, tk);<br>rtsptime = timeOutCheck(ourClient);<br>sessionTimerTask = env->taskScheduler().scheduleDelayedTask(300000,TaskInterrupt, (void *) NULL);
<br>fprintf(stderr,"Fbuffer-- main--%u\n",(unsigned int)fBuffer);<br>env->taskScheduler().doEventLoop(&task);<br>env->taskScheduler().unscheduleDelayedTask(sessionTimerTask);<br><br>please give me some suggestion how to get the buffer. when ever I asked to read() (using a function).