Hi Ross,<BR>
Thanks for your reply. My simple mp3 player application is based on gstreamer (using elements like filesrc, decodebin,alsasink etc) which takes mp3 file name as input. so I think it can not read from stdin & play the mp3 stream.<BR>
Though VLC media player is good option but we are not allowed to use these player as mentioned in the assignment.<BR>
So we want to read the RTP media data using library, decode it and play the mp3 decoded data. I read that SDL_sound library can be used to decode the buffer and can be played the decode raw data.<BR>
Currently openRTSP is using sink classes to write the data into given file name (file or stdout). <BR>
can we get the rtp data buffer directly (may be in some callback)using live media library rather than writing it to file or stdout so that I can manage this buffer in some data structure (e.g. list) and will try to play using SDL sound library parallely. dont know if this idea will work.<BR>
Please give some idea if you have any. Thanks in advance.<BR>
On Tue, 13 Feb 2007 Ross Finlayson wrote :<BR>
> >Hi,<BR>
> > I have installed Helix server in the LAN which is streaming MP3 file.<BR>
> >I can save the stream into a file using openRTSP test program<BR>
> >provided with live media library.<BR>
> >I would like to play the stream directly (e.g. want to hear the<BR>
> >music) in the Linux fedora core 6 instead of saving it into the file.<BR>
> >Can you please suggest what kind of modification needed to do in<BR>
> >openRTSP code to do this?<BR>
>If your MP3 player application can read from 'stdin', then you don't<BR>
>need to modify the "openRTSP" code at all. Instead, just run<BR>
> openRTSP -a rtsp://your-url | your-mp3-player-application<BR>
>Alternatively (and better, IMHO), just run VLC, which will be able to<BR>
>play the stream (from the "rtsp://" URL) directly.<BR>
>Ross Finlayson<BR>
>Live Networks, Inc.<BR>
>live-devel mailing list<BR>
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