Hi,<br><br>80% of all my mpeg-2 transport files can be streamed very nice with the live555 sdk<br>However i noticed that the other 20% produce stuttering audio and video in VLC.<br>The VLC messages window shows a lot of 'PTS out of range' errors/warnings
<br><br>I debugged the library and found out that if i change the following line in MPEG2TransportStreamFramer.cpp<br><br>change this line:<br>#define TIME_ADJUSTMENT_FACTOR 0.8<br><br>to this line:<br>#define TIME_ADJUSTMENT_FACTOR
0.5 <br><br>Then all my mpeg-2 transport files stream nicely.<br>Can anybody explain what exactly this factor does and if my 'fix' is good?<br><br>Regards<br><br>Erwin Beckers<br>