<div>I'm trying to build a H264VideoStreamFramer subclass to read from a raw .h264 file with the annexB delimeters. The Framer will remove the delimeters.</div>
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<div>I've learned from other posts that I need to implement a doGetNextFrame function.</div>
<div>I wanted to read the file asynchronously and have the doGetNextFrame function just do a turnOnBackgroundReadHandling() on the file socket so when the next frame is ready to be processed, the event loop will kick me into a handler(deliverFrame) each time. The problem is, I dont have access to the file descriptor to tell the event loop about it.
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<div>I've got the H264FileServerMediaSubsession class built and he sends in a byteStreamFileSource object to the H264VideoStreamFramerRaw class, and the byteStreamFileSource object has the file descriptor, but it's protected and there are no ways to get at it by using any of the byteStreamFileSource methods.
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<div>I want to be able to read in the file a byte at a time so I can detect and discard the NAL delimiter.</div>
<div>I'd appreciate any help, thanks!</div>
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