Dear all,<br><br>my idea is to make 2 separates applikation one for RTP streamingserver (rtp.exe) for JPEG streaming and the second application ist for RTCP (rtcp.exe).<br><br>For do this i would write the SSRC from rtp.exe in a file and read it from this file with rtcp.exe. the connection point of both application is ssrc.<br><br>is that a good idea ?<br><br>Is possible to implement the rtcp.exe in a standalone application using the live555 ?<br>if yes how can i do that ? there is some example for do this ?<br><br>I had looked in the FAQ and testprograms but i can´t find a sample just for RTCP.<br><br>Thanks for giving me a hint about my idea.<br><br>Armando<br><br><br><p> 
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