Hi all,<br><br>I would like to make a RTSP stack server capable of working as a RTSP relay/proxy, that is being able<br>to connect to my server and then receive an external rtsp stream through this server:<br><br>client<-mycustom server<-rtsp stream<br>
<br>One of the reasons is that for example client is only allowed to connect to my custom server, and not to the internet.<br><br>What would be the good approach to do this using live555:<br>-modify testOnDemandRTSPServer in order to take streams from openrtsp(used wityh -r)?<br>
-testOnDemandRTSPServer is not able to stream 3gp files. by using the output of openrtsp will it be able to do it?<br><br>Thanks in advance for any advice.<br><br>Regards<br>Stef<br><br>