<div>Hi all:</div> <div> </div> <div> I have been trying to stream H264 annexB bytestream with livemedia, and have made little progress these days. <BR> My own xH264VideoStreamFramer(subclass of H264VideoStreamFramer) and H264VideoFileServerMediaSubsession have been done.<BR> <BR> To check my classes, I modified live555MediaServer, and use it as the server while openRTSP as client for test.<BR> <BR> But when running, the bytestream cannot be transported completely. Only the first few datas can be received. What puzzles me more is that the amount of datas received is variational.<BR> The size of H264 annexB bytestream file on the server is 70574 Bytes, sometimes the receiver can only receive the first 48KB, or sometimes 68KB. 70574B can rarely been received completely.<BR> <BR> I also compare the data received on client with the bytestream file on the
serever, and found that these data are just the first part of the bytestream.<BR> <BR> I checked the "fOctetCount" member of class "RTPSink", and found that when "MultiFramedRTPSink" call its "onSourceClosure()" function,<BR> live555MediaServer already sent 70574 Bytes to the client(openRTSP). But on the client, the data received is incomplete and variational.<BR> <BR> What might caused this problem? <BR> <BR> Any help will be appreciated!<BR> </div> <div>Best Regards<BR>Felix</div><p> 
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