Hi,<br><br>I am able to transform and run live555 on our embeded device with 300M CPU. It can work with correct functiona, but it is slow, even only let the live555 task run (no other tasks run at the same time).<br><br>To send one I frame (720x480), it taks about 2 seconds to send out the I frame (by sending about 22 RTP package, and take about 0.08 second between every package).<br>
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</style><span style="font-size: 9pt; font-family: Arial;" lang="EN-US"><span style="">As a result, the speed is</span><span lang="EN-US"><span style=""> </span><span style=""></span>110
kbit bytes/s</span> and about 0.33
fps</span><br><br>Note that I have set the fDurationInmicrosecond to 0, and the fPresentationTime to current time.<br><br>I have tried it on PC (dup 3G CPU) with WindowsXP with full speed (fDurationInmicrosecond= 0). The speed is about 2000-2300 kbit bytes/second, and 7-8 fps. <br>
<br>All of the frame is I type (720x480).<br><br>considering the CPU frequence, it looks like to the bottleneck (2*10*110 is about 2200 kbit bytes).<br><br>[Question]<br>Here, I want to see if it is a known issue? What is the the minmum CPU frequence requirement to run live555 smoothly?<br>