<p>Hello,<br></p><p>Does timeout work in RTSPClient? I slightly modified openRTSP.cpp in order to use timeout value (in seconds).</p><p>I replaced at line 32:</p><p>return rtspClient->sendOptionsCmd(url, username, password);</p>
<p>with</p><p>return rtspClient->sendOptionsCmd(url, username, password, NULL, 5);</p><p>and at line 45:</p><p>result = rtspClient->describeURL(url);</p><p>with</p><p>result = rtspClient->describeURL(url, NULL, False, 5);</p>
<p>But after this change functions getOptionsResponse and getSDPDescriptionFromURL returned always NULL. Seems, socket wasn't created. Did I make some mistake or timeout parameter in RTSPClient::openConnectionFromURL doesn't work?<br>
</p><p>Best Regards,</p><p>Builder</p>