Dear all,<br><br>I am writing a MP4Demux and MP4DemuxedElementaryStream, in a way of mimic MPEG1or2Demux and MPEG1or2DemuxedElementaryStream. In specific, my MP4Demux uses FFMPEG to read AVPacket from MP4 file, and feed the Packet->data to MP4DemuxedElementaryStream. In case, packet->size is larger than maxSize of doGetNextFrame(), I will feed packet->data in several steps with respect to the given maxSize. But I don't know how to set presentation time and duration time, just put them to 0 as MPEG1or2Demux does.<br>
Then, I test my classes with a simple streamer, feeding to MPEGTransportStreamFromESStream and BasicUDPSink.<br>I notice it does not work properly, in that the streamer doesn't have proper scheduling during streaming and it reads all packets from MP4 file very fast, and send all of them out immediately.<br>
<br>Could anyone give me suggestion on the cause of this? Thank you.<br clear="all"><br>-- <br>Woods<br>