Thanks for your help.
I use live555 Server to stream H.264 live data which receive from the IP camera.
If there is no data from the IP camera, I want to close this ServerMediaSession.
But this situation just occured in the function ByteStreamFileSource::doReadFromFile() as the follow code.
I have read some answer from the pipermail, you have said when fFrameSize ==0 invoke the
handleClosure(this) function can not free anything.
>"FramedSource::handleClosure" doesn't delete anything. Instead, its
>purpose is to tell the downstream object that the flow of data has ended.
>To actually reclaim a 'media' object (i.e., a subclass of "Medium"), call
>"Medium::close()" on it.
You said reclaim a 'media' object and call "Medium::close()" on it,
Does you mean use the following code
instead of
So I want to know what should I do when I want to close this ServerMediaSession.
especially, how to free the memory whick allocated before.
When the fFrameSize=0,I trace the code, I found that it will enter the following function
void StreamState::reclaim()
// Delete allocated media objects
Medium::close(fRTCPInstance) /* will send a RTCP BYE */; fRTCPInstance = NULL;
Medium::close(fRTPSink); fRTPSink = NULL;
Medium::close(fUDPSink); fUDPSink = NULL;
fMaster.closeStreamSource(fMediaSource); fMediaSource = NULL;
delete fRTPgs; fRTPgs = NULL;
delete fRTCPgs; fRTCPgs = NULL;
It seems that It could free some memory which allocated before.But I can not sure all the memory allocated before are free .
Beacause my bad english, So I want to explain by code.
Thanks in advance.
void ByteStreamFileSource::doReadFromFile()
// Try to read as many bytes as will fit in the buffer provided
// (or "fPreferredFrameSize" if less)
int port_i,ret;
if (fPreferredFrameSize > 0 && fPreferredFrameSize < fMaxSize)
fMaxSize = fPreferredFrameSize;
if (m_live_s==1234)
        if (g_Mp4PlayStream[port_i]->m_nPacketNum>0)
                        if (Get_Frame_Data[port_i]>30)
                                printf("port=%d will goto clost the stream\n",port_i);
                                goto Frame_End;
if (fFrameSize == 0)
/////////////////here what should I do to free the memory whick allocated before
// Set the 'presentation time':
if (fPlayTimePerFrame > 0 && fPreferredFrameSize > 0)
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