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God evening <font size="-1"><font face="微軟æ£黑體">Ross
Finlayson from live
network :<br>
First of all, I have to say sorry to misunderstanding what you really
asked before.<br>
Let me say sorry again~ that's my fault...<br>
<pre>> 1/ Which Transport Stream files on your FTP site contain extra PES header data?
<big><b>These 2 files below(on our FTP site) ware contain extra PES
header data</b></big><br>
<font size="-1"><font face="微軟æ£黑體">Please visit our FTP site
with following account information to download them<br>
<li><font size="-1"><font face="微軟æ£黑體">IP: "<font
<li><font size="-1"><font face="微軟æ£黑體">Username: "<font
<li><font size="-1"><font face="微軟æ£黑體">Password: "<font
<li><font size="-1"><font face="微軟æ£黑體">Path: "<font
color="#ff0000">/</font></font></font><font size="-1"><font
And, if you would like to take original Transport Stream file to
compare, I had also put it on our FTP site,<br>
here is the path and file name<br>
"<font color="#ff0000">/Original_TS/Mermaid.ts</font>"<br>
<pre>> 2/ An example - in one of these files - of exactly where this extra
> PES header data is (i.e., a range of byte positions within the file).
<big><b>ALL range of byte positions ware the extra PES header.</b></big><br>
For example, if we put "Mermaid_FF2x_test.ts" into live555's directory,
and run a RTSP client<br>
to request live555 to streaming "Mermaid_FF2x_test.ts" in normal play
then the RTSP client will receive nothing but PES header.<br>
<font size="-1"><font face="微軟æ£黑體"></font></font><br>
Hope I didn't misunderstanding what you asked this time,<br>
we really need your help and suggestions.<br>
RR @ 2010/01/18