<pre style="">Hi Ross,<br> I am new to live555 and trying to use this powerful lib to stream live video.I received the video data from the network with my server and then streamed it with live555.For the client,I useed VLC.<br>
However,I got some problems here.<br> 1. There are two memory leaks here.I write my programs following the test***streamer and free the memory as the following:<br> if (sessionState.sink != NULL) sessionState.sink->stopPlaying();<br>
Medium::close(sessionState.rtcpInstance);        <br> Medium::close(sessionState.sink);<br> Medium::close(sessionState.source);<br>        <br> Medium::close(sms);<br> Medium::close(rtspServer);<br> delete sessionState.rtpGroupsock;<br>
delete sessionState.rtcpGroupsock;<br><br> if(scheduler) delete scheduler;<br> if(env) env->reclaim();<br><br> If I just create the sinkˇ˘sourcˇ˘rtspserver etc and don't startplaying,there will be no memory leak.But if I add startplaying,after I close the server,there will be two memory leaks :<br>
<br> Detected memory leaks!<br>Dumping objects -><br>{594258} normal block at 0x003CC818, 32 bytes long.<br> Data: <l G > 6C 0F 47 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 <br>{594245} normal block at 0x00B49008, 32 bytes long.<br>
Data: <l G > 6C 0F 47 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 <br><br> I am sorry that It may be difficult for you to find out what resulted in this,but can you give me some suggestion?<br><br> 2.Sometimes esapcically after I restart teh server,when I start my server and use VLC to play th stream,the server receives the "DECRIBE"ˇ˘"SETUP" and "PLAY"command ok, but VLC just doesn't play the stream and it tears down a few seconds later.I don't know the reason.I use openRTSP and try to save the stream into a file.Things are the same.The connection between the RTSP server and openRTSP is ok,but openRTSP can't receive any data,so the file is empty. Then I restart the server for one or more times,everything goes all right.<br>
I rarely run into this problem with testprogs or OnDemandRTSPServer.Therefore,there must be some reason that I have not found in my program.Would you please help me?<br> <br> Thanks in advance.<br><br> Richy<br>
Best regards<br><br></pre>