Implement "Speed" option on RTSP "PLAY" command by Changing Live555 Code =============================================================================== Architecture: * Live555 RTSP stack is used by the client component of UTC's Prism surveillance product. * In particular, the streaming driver (session_lnvr.dll) of Prism client uses this open source software. * The driver statically links the Live555 library. * The driver communicates with the Live555 RTSP stack via RTSPAsyncAdapter, which is based on testRTSPClient demo application of Live555 but significantly modified to fit UTC architecture. * Changes to Live555 code are limited to liveMedia/include/MediaSession.hh and liveMedia/RTSPClient.cpp Change Details: 1. RTSPClient.cpp: * Implement new method, static char* createSpeedString(float speed) * Enhance setRequestFields() method 2. MediaSession.hh: * Implement get() and set() methods to access 'speed' property in MediaSession and MediaSubsession classes. 3. All changes in (both) Live555 moduled are guarded by __UTC_PRISM__ macro.