[Live-devel] Birates in Video-Streams

Ross Finlayson finlayson at live.com
Mon Aug 9 16:45:19 PDT 2004

>we have the following problem. When we are streaming multicast mpeg1 or 
>mpeg2 files with bitrates about 2500 kbps there are on the receiver side 
>many artefacts in the video. We are using eg. 
>testMPEG1orMPEG2AudioVideoStreamer. Even we are streaming videos with 
>lower bitrate (800 kbps mpeg1 or mpeg2) and resolution (352x288) there are 
>many artefacts on the receiver side. When we set the value 
>/proc/sys/net/core/rmem_maxsize to 2MB the artefacts problem for lower 
>bitrates is solved.

Well, it looks like you've solved your problem: The kernel's receive buffer 
for the "RTPSource" 'groupsock' needs to be sufficiently large to ensure 
that incoming packet data doesn't overflow it.  (You could probably get the 
same effect - within your program - by calling "increaseReceiveBufferTo()".)

	Ross Finlayson

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