[Live-devel] streaming tests

Ross Finlayson finlayson at live.com
Mon Aug 9 17:28:03 PDT 2004

>we then tried to repeat our tests with audio and video, using mplayer 
>sdp://testMPEG1or2AudioVideo.sdp. since libliveMedia has no MPEG mux, we 
>could only use mplayer for testing.

Not true.  You could also use VLC (which I recommend over MPlayer), or 
QuickTime Player (if you're streaming MPEG-1 rather than MPEG-2).

>A:   4.4 V:   0.0 A-V:  4.444 ct:  0.069   19/ 19   5%  6% 747.9% 18 0 0%
>as you can see, the video time is always zero, and the audio-video skew 
>equals the audio time. if we run mplayer with the -framedrop option, no 
>video frames are displayed at all.

MPlayer's audio/video sync implementation doesn't always work well for RTP 
streams.  That's one reason why I prefer VLC.

>increasing the size of the socket's receive buffer seems to fix the problem.

Exactly.  This is an OS issue - not an inherent problem with the "LIVE.COM 
Streaming Media" code.

	Ross Finlayson

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