[Live-devel] Birates in Video-Streams

Ross Finlayson finlayson at live.com
Wed Aug 11 11:21:22 PDT 2004

>with increaseReceiveBufferTo() you can increase the socket receive buffer 
>size only up to the value in /proc/sys/net/core/rmem_max. this means you 
>have to do both: call this method and change the configuration in /proc.

Thanks for the clarification.  (Note that this appears to be an issue for 
Linux only.)

>this requires that anyone who wants to view high quality video streams 
>with a libLiveMedia based application needs to have
>1. root privileges
>2. knowledge about his OS that most average users don't have

It seems to me that if the OS's socket receive buffers are undersized, then 
*any* receiving software (not just this software) is going to be 
susceptible to packet loss.

	Ross Finlayson

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