[Live-devel] vobStreamer and VLC

Ross Finlayson finlayson at live.com
Tue Jun 8 04:12:50 PDT 2004

At 01:52 AM 6/8/04, you wrote:
> >Using VLC, you should enter the "rtsp://" URL that "vobStreamer" prints
> >when it starts running.
>I tried and VLC opened a window but I didn't see a video, only some
>random patterns.

Are you sure that your ".vob" file is *unencrypted*?  If you got it 
directly from a DVD, then it's probably encrypted, and "vobStreamer" won't 
be able to stream it.

Another possibility is that perhaps your network (between the server and 
client) doesn't have enough bandwidth to support the stream.  (Typically, 
10 Mbps Ethernet isn't quite enough.)

Also, make sure that you're using a recent version of VLC.

>Vbstreamer was sending the video with RTP payload type 32 and I suppose
>that VLC is not able to decode this payload type correctly.

No, VLC can handle this just fine.  I don't have any trouble playing a 
video+audio stream from "vobStreamer" using VLC.

If you're still having problems, then please put your ".vob" file on a web 
site, and send the URL, and I'll take a look at it.

	Ross Finlayson

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