[Live-devel] QuickTime Streaming

Ross Finlayson finlayson at live.com
Wed Jun 9 07:18:04 PDT 2004

At 05:19 AM 6/9/04, you wrote:
>I am working with the testMPEG1or2AudioVideoStreamer sample using 
>QuickTime 6.5.1
>as the client. Everything works fine when I stream either rtsp or multicast.

Note that (unmodified) "testMPEG1or2AudioVideoStreamer" application streams 
via multicast, even when you enable the built-in RTSP server.

>  When I try to
>use unicast I only get the audio in the QuickTime client.
>I can use VLC as the client and I get audio and video with all three setups.
>Is there something I need to configure with QuickTime or the sdp file in 
>this case. I changed
>the ip address of the audio and video media lines. This is the same sdp 
>file that works
>using the VLC client.

I'm not sure what went wrong for you.  Note, however, that a much better 
way to stream via unicast is to use the "testOnDemandRTSPServer" test 
program as a model, rather than by trying to modify the "test*Streamer" 
test programs to use unicast.

	Ross Finlayson

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