[Live-devel] test*Streamer push

David Skiba skiba at avaya.com
Fri Jun 18 16:26:23 PDT 2004

I am not sure which sample I should model my app on for what I am trying to

If I have machine A waiting on socket port 2345 for a video RTP connection,

I use a modified test*Server app on machine B to connect to that socket and
push RTP, assuming

a match on the video format being streamed.


I think this is just a slight modification of the unicast scenario and
making the correct type of socket connection.

I may be simplifying things too much but does it make sense to wait for
machine A to be ready before initializing the

Groupsock connections. Then instead of the bind() call do a connect() to
specifically connect to port 2345

on machine A?


I may be confused on how some of this works, let me know if I am way off





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