[Live-devel] FIFO supports

Dixon Siu dixonsiu at mediaglue.co.jp
Mon Jun 21 14:49:43 PDT 2004

Hi Ross,

I was trying to include FIFO support for your library. I am not sure if it
is already supported or not. So I simply modified the DeviceSource class to
accept an integer (pipeName) and then do a "read". Creation of the pipe is
up to the application. DeviceSource just read from the FIFO pipe and copy to
fTo. Then I run into the situation of different coding for Windows and

In my linux version, I use "read" in DeviceSource. But in my windows
version, pipeName is a HANDLE and I have to use ReadFile. I was wondering if
there is a common method for the library level to open the FIFO pipe so that
it is more generic (actually I can put in #if but it is not that robust).
Hopefully, if it become generic and live.com does not support FIFO, then I
can send you the code and maybe you can include it into the later release.

Thank you for your attention.


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